Lisa Dennis
Favorite Tech

Kindle (yes there are reasons to have a Kindle and an iPad!)


Great Listener - adept at translating client speech into design specifications.

Logic Puzzle Solver - excel at analysing data, organizing content and solving vexing problems

The Usual Tools of the Trade - HTML, CSS, jQuery, Javascript, PHP, SQL

Lisa Dennis

Girl Friday

Lisa has been around the biz awhile. She has been a marketing director, worked for Nike Germany in marketing, but was really a liaison translating southern English to the Queens English. She put in hours as a graphic designer creating publicity posters, programs and print materials; a legislative assistant doing finance committee staff work for the state of Washington and a teaching assistant at University of Michigan. She has been a waitress, a short order cook, and unpaid short order cook/chauffeur (read mother).

After moving around a lot and living in several foreign countries such as Germany, England and Texas, the family returned home to Oregon. Having just completed her work on a second degree in computer systems and management, Lisa started consulting. She established Delaris LLC in 2003.

Since then she has developed a team of very talented individuals and grown the business to the point of branching out in a new brand. Crisp-Code is customer oriented cutting edge development, no “one size fits all” or “cookie cutters” to be found here.


Fits homepage copy
Fits Riding
Coos bay project promo
City Of Coos Bay
Metro 0drive
Favorite Tech

Kindle (yes there are reasons to have a Kindle and an iPad!)


Great Listener - adept at translating client speech into design specifications.

Logic Puzzle Solver - excel at analysing data, organizing content and solving vexing problems

The Usual Tools of the Trade - HTML, CSS, jQuery, Javascript, PHP, SQL